050 - 6/14/10

I'm officially here! I can't believe it! Last night was definitely chaos, but I'm here now and that's what matters. This morning, I headed over to Vista, for check in, at about 7:30 or 7:45. Michelle, Morgan, and I waiting for about twenty minutes, and then they let us in. When it came time to choose apartments, the only options were Chatham or Vista. They also didn't have any one bedrooms. Needless to say, I was a little distraught. However, I'm in a two bedroom with Michelle, Morgan, and Isabelle (who I happened to meet in line after our apartments were assigned) at Chatham. We totally didn't plan on rooming together, but I ended up with Morgan and Michelle anyways. I thought that was pretty funny.

After we were done with check in, we had to wait like 45 minutes for a bus to take us to Chatham. While we were waiting, I asked a girl standing next to us if she would like to join our conversation. Turns out, she and I are friends on Facebook! You've gotta love things like that. Once we got on the bus, we realized that there was no way we were going to make it to Casting on the first bus. So, we dropped our stuff off, hung out for like five minutes, and then walked up to the front gate, so we could catch the Casting bus. Heads up: they were about 20 minutes late. 

I'm going to finish this story tomorrow, as right now I just want to sleep.


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