025 - 4/9/10

So, I'm getting a little burnt out on my blog. Nothing very exciting is going on it my life, at least, not anything Disney. I've decided I want to mix things up a bit. I've seen a lot of different ABCs or Top Ten lists about WDW, Disney (as a company), movies, and songs. One list I haven't seen is for Disneyland! I've decided that I'm going to attempt to do the ABCs of DLRCP, or at least, my experience from 2008. I'm hoping it will give some insight to those of you doing the program at Disneyland, and even give those of you doing WDW some ideas for next time you go to Disneyland! Today I'm going to start with A, and I guess we will see where it goes from there!


Apple Pie Caramel Apples
Now, let me just start by saying, I'm not at all a caramel apple fan. One day, however, a fellow CP was raving about how good these specific caramel apples were. If I remember correctly, the apple is dipped in caramel, white chocolate, and cinnamon. That might not be 100% correct though. All I know is that it is heaven on a stick! You can get them anywhere that sells caramel apples on property. Well, if you're lucky enough to find one. A friend of mine when to DLR over Christmas and searched high and low for one for me, but was unsuccessful. So, even if you don't like caramel apples normally, I highly suggest trying this one!

Animation Academy

This is probably the most underrated attraction at DCA. In fact, I didn't even know it existed until I went to the park with a friend and they wanted to go to! The Academy is located in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot, inside of the Animation building. That building in itself if a place I could spend all day sitting in. I would recommend taking a look around one day. The building itself is pretty underrated, which is sad, considering the amazing display on the walls of different Disney movies and songs. My favorite is definitely the Toy Story bit. Anyways, back to Animation Academy! The attraction's name really says it all: you're taught how to draw different Disney characters. Before you enter the room, you can ask the CM working the front which character they're getting ready to draw. Depending on park hours, some characters may be repeated throughout the day. Usually, there are about 12 different characters through the day, and the classes are held every half hour. While on my program, I went a few times, and even got to know one of the CMs that taught the class. In the end, you get to keep the picture you've drawn, and the CM usually gives their's away to a guest. I was lucky enough to get one of the CM drawings, simply because I sat in the front row. One thing for all of you Nightmare Before Christmas fans, from October to December, they add Jack Skellington to their list of characters drawn. If for nothing else, this place is great to go to for a free souvenir! 

024 - 4/8/10

My washer just ate my brand new comforter. I'm extremely upset about this. Here I am, just trying to do some laundry, and the machine ATE it! Maybe I can exchange it, even though I got rid of the bag already. Seeing as how my mom works at JCP and all. 

Today, I attempted to get some things figured out with my school about transferring and the College Program and such. Wow, that sure was a joke. I'm confused as to how someone can work in Career Services or the Advising Center and be absolutely no help. The advisor I spoke to told me that it would be pointless to get my AA in Washington, considering it most likely won't transfer to Florida. That was the only useful piece of advise I got all day. Basically, the people that work at my school are completely inept and I just need to talk to the people at UCF to figure out the route I need to take. Career Services also had nothing positive to say about the program, which really irritated me. The woman was complaining about how she has internship paperwork from Spring that still hasn't been signed by Disney. The way I look at it, that is the responsibility of the person doing the internship, not Career Services. I could get that paperwork signed in less than 24 hours if I needed to, simply because I know who to talk to! I told her that I had a complicated situation and her response was, "Of course you do. EVERYTHING with Disney is complicated!" Actually, that is the least of my complications. I feel like maybe I should be doing her job, since she obviously doesn't seem to know what she's doing. 

OK, enough of my ranting. Today has just been a frustrating day. On a Disney note, I've made a decision. A lot of people really enjoy pin trading, but I've just never been able to get into it. However, something that really does excite me are Vinylmations! I've never actually seen one, as they were introduced to the parks after my last visit. They seem so cool! I've decided that with every paycheck (maybe every other), I'm going to purchase a Vinylmation. They just seem like an awesome collectible, and the designs are amazing! The Parks Collection seem like they would be my favorite, but I'm really excited to find out more about Vinylmation Jr. Do any of you have something you'd like to collect or already do collect that's Disney related? Do any of you collect Vinylmations?

Another thing I collect are seasonal Mickey ears. On my first CP, I waited until November 1 to get Halloween ears (stupid, I know) and searched high and low to only be unsuccessful. A woman in line ahead of me at WOD literally had the LAST pair of the adorable pumpkin Mickey ears I was hunting for! It was a devastation of sorts to say the least. When I went down to visit for Christmas, I made sure I got a pair of snowman ears, which I love! This program, I'm going to make sure I don't wait until the last minute to get those ears! Oddly enough, about a month ago the Disney Warehouse at the Supermall had those pumpkin ears! They were like $5! Of course I bought them! It still isn't the same though. It's like the difference between buying a shirt for $40 at a concert, or waiting until you get home and buying the same exact shirt for $25 online. They may be the same exact thing, but you know it just isn't the same.

023 - 4/7/10

There are only 66 days and 12 hours until I leave for Florida. At least, I think that's right. Today, I e-mailed my advisor because I needed to discuss some things with her (College Program, transferring, how close I am to at least having my AA) and the e-mail came back to me. I was really confused, so I tried again. It still came back to me. So I decided to call the Advising Center, and she doesn't work here anymore! I'm pretty sure she had a baby. Can you say frustrating? Especially considering I absolutely loathe my other advisor. They did tell me, however, that they're doing walk ins tomorrow and someone can help me. Hopefully they'll actually be some help. It seems like every advisor or department chair I've ever talked to (other than the one I was trying to see) just wants to lead me in the opposite direction of what I have planned.

As of right now, my plan is to transfer to Pierce (the community college near my mom's house), and attempt to get my AA, just so I have something easier to transfer. Hopefully I'll be able to do Distance Learning, considering I'm going to attempt to do this while I'm in Florida. Once I've got that done, I really want to transfer to UCF and double major in Hospitality Management (Theme Park and Amusement Management) and Marketing (Retail Management Certificate). I just think I'll be a million times happier doing that than I am right now. I thought Fashion Merchandising was going to be my thing, but I'm just so fed up with the classes I have to take for this degree. If this is what a career in this field will be like, then I'm out.

I've started making a packing list in my head for Florida, but I haven't actually written any of it down yet. As soon as I do, I'll post it on here for all of you!

022 - 4/6/10

Nothing exciting today. Tuesdays are now officially worse than Mondays. I'm in class from 10AM - 5PM with only an hour break! I've also decided today that I'm probably done with Fashion Merchandising. I love the careers I could go into, but the major itself isn't worth my time. Especially considering Nordstrom (my fashion dream job) doesn't really care about education. They care more about experience, and I already have experience working for them. Things will work out accordingly I guess.

I'm pretty sure my friend Katie isn't going to be doing the program after all. Her date to accept has already passed, and she doesn't seem to be jumping to get a hold of Disney. Oh well though. I'm still just as excited to go down. Maybe she'll come visit. Too bad that merch position couldn't go to me! 

I'm ready for bed, but 16 & Pregnant is on in a half hour. That show is so addictive! I'm going to get some reading done for my classes before it starts!

021 - 4/5/10

I've never been a fan of Mondays. They always seem to drag on forever. Nothing exciting happened today.  Actually, I take that back, I bought an amazing Magic Mouse of my Mac. Can I just say that I am in love with this mouse! I gave my mom my cute pink wireless mouse in January after her's broke. I've just been using the little pad on my laptop, but I am SO glad I bought this mouse!

I'm definitely more of a Mac than a PC. I think Apple does great things (with the exception of the iPad), they're just pricey. However, with that cost come amazing quality, so that's always a good thing. If you ever have the money (or amazing grandparents), I would highly suggest checking out Macs in all their glory.

My friend Nick has been debating coming to visit me in August. Most likely he is going to come visit over my birthday. It would be so fun if both my gay boys came to visit at the same time! I'm really starting to think that my birthday is going to be amazing. Well, hopefully at least. 

As of right now, I know that my birthday morning is going to start with breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table. Currently, we have reservations for four, but that may possibly change. Then we are going to spend the day in the parks. Hopefully we will get to do what I want to do, considering it will be my birthday and all. Then, I want to end the day getting the kitchen sink at Beaches & Cream. I don't plan on drinking at all on my birthday (or ever for that matter), but that doesn't mean it can't be memorable. I'm also debating booking a room on property for my birthday. I've never stayed at a Disney resort before, and it's something I really want to do. Which resort is your favorite? Which one do you think would be the best for celebrating my birthday? Feel free to comment below and let me know. I'd love some input! 

Well, that's it for now!

020 - 4/4/10

Well, I had a good Easter today. Getting dressed up and eating delicious food is always my favorite. My grandparents came up to Tacoma and we all went out for brunch at Stanley & Seaforts. We had a lovely view of Tacoma and all the traffic on I-5. I got a yummy crab and artichoke sandwich. It was so so so good. After brunch, we headed out to Tukwila to see my aunt and uncle. After about an hour and a half there, we decided to head out because I needed to get back to Ellensburg. On the drive over the pass, it was snowing. I'm really over this snow. Supposedly, on Wednesday, it's supposed to be 64. I'll believe it when I see it! 

I just want you all to know that I'm extremely excited to cook big huge meals and have dinner parties in Florida. You're all more than welcome to come over whenever I cook. I like to think that I'm a pretty good cook, and I absolutely love doing it. I always seem to make way more food than I can actually eat. I honestly think I want to have a big dinner either June 14 or 15, depending on our schedules. It won't just be for people arriving with me either! I like baking too. Maybe I'll make housewarming cookies! Wow, I sound like a mom, don't I?

The finale of Tool Academy is almost over! After that, I'm heading to bed. Happy Easter!