034 - 5/6/10

I told you it would be soon! Today is G!


Golden Horseshoe

One place I had never been, until my first College Program, was the Golden Horseshoe. Frontierland is definitely my least favorite land, and I had never really spent any time there. To me, there just didn’t seem to be much to do there. Boy oh boy was I wrong. Not only does the Golden Horseshoe have the best QS food in the entire park (chili cheese fries and chicken strips are my favorite), but they also have an awesome show. I had never taken the time to watch Billy Hill & the Hillbillies until my DCP, and I definitely see now what I was missing! Probably one of the cutest shows in all of Disneyland, and every show is different. I saw the show about four different times, each from a different location, and was blown away each and every time. I was laughing so hard, and I loved the audience interaction!

Grocery Bingo

Probably one of my favorite DCP events. Usually it takes place out in the courtyard on the second floor of Carnegie. I’m sure you’ve heard of it before. Basically, you play bingo and the winners get bags of groceries. The groceries aren’t really anything awesome, but it’s still nice to have! Considering you will have four or five people in your apartment, the odds of you guys getting a bag of groceries at least once are pretty high. In one night, I think that every single person in my apartment got a bag. We were set. It makes cooking for others (which I love to do) much much cheaper.


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