009 - 3/24/10

Today was a pretty good day. We went to the mall in Wilmington, which actually reminded me a lot of the malls at home. They had a Disney store, which really excited me, because ALL of the stores around me have closed. I found the cutest Marie coffee mug EVER! I totally bought it, plus I bought Hope a Minnie Mouse mug (they were $8.50 each or 2 for $12, how could I not?), and I got Hunter a pair of red Mickey Mouse sunglasses. They said ages 3+, but they fit his almost-nine-month-old head! 

We also went to Borders, and I bought The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World. It looks like a really interesting book. I saw it on Amazon a few days ago, and it just grabbed my attention. Before I start reading it though, I need to finish Cast Member Confidential, which I'm probably halfway through. Its a really good book. Not as vivid as Mouse Trap though, which is definitely a book I'd recommend reading if you're doing the DLR-CP. The book paints a picture for you of EXACTLY what backstage at Disneyland looks like. Its so amazing. Cast Member Confidential seems a little far-fetched at times. Still a good read though, so far. Then again, they guy wasn't actually a WDW cast member, but rather a sub-contracted photographer, so his story is a little different.

I've been talking to a few fellow Fall and FA CPs, and everyone seems so friendly. I'm really excited to get down to Florida and start this experience already! The days are slowly ticking away, and I am so ready. I still need to get everything figured out with my school, but I figured I'd worry about that AFTER I declare my second major and minor. 

On another note, I'm really thinking about vlogging once I get down to Florida, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I know that my MacBook has some basic video editing software on it, but I have no idea how to use it. I've also been looking into getting a Flip video camera. They don't seem too expensive, and they're pretty small. Does anyone have any experience with them? I really want to be able to document my experience the best I can. Scrapbooking would be fun too, but that seems too time consuming and creative. I am definitely not the creative type, it takes too much energy!

Speaking of energy, I'm beginning to run out. I think I might actually be in bed before 2 tonight! I'm excited for another lazy day tomorrow. Plus, I get to meet one of Hope's Dover friends! I'm just going to finish watching Gerard Butler on Ellen and head to bed! Feel free to comment or ask me questions on my formspring! (I've yet to receive a single question, kind of sad actually)


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