004 - 3/19/10

This is probably going to be relatively short. Today was a nice relaxing day. Nothing too excited happened. Just went to the grocery store and the mall here in Dover. Tomorrow we are going to try going to the outlets, as we got a late start today. I'm so excited to go shopping for Florida clothes! I want to buy dresses and shorts and all that jazz. Those are definitely things I can't wear in Ellensburg. I love dresses, but its so windy all the time in E-burg! 

No new exciting news on the Disney front. Well, except that my friend Katie is probably going to do Fall, instead of Fall Advantage with me. That's OK though. As long as she's down there for my birthday, everything will work out! Especially since the reservations for Cinderella's Royal Table have already been made! That does mean, however, that I am going to be on the hunt for a roommate. I'm not too concerned about finding one before I get there though. I just don't want to have roommate drama like last time. It would be nice to actually complete this program. 

Oh, one exciting thing! I figured out how to put my formspring on my blog! So, feel free to ask me questions! As you can tell, I love talking about myself. I just run out of things to say on occasion. If you ask, I'll answer. Promise!

Well, I'm heading to bed because my sleep schedule is still a little out of whack. I'm very excited for the beach/shopping tomorrow.


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